From 1773 to 1842 there has been documentation of sightings of scattered members of the so called Lost Tribe in Fiordland.
These where members of the Ngati Mamoe and Waitaha in exile assimilation by the Kai Tahu Tribe lived in secret places of the Shadowlands that is now Fiordland National Park.
Artifacts and stories about human remains, foot prints and the voices of the Glasinoch persisted into the early 20th Century even sparking a Novel and a Motion Picture.
Most probably the end of the story happened at the headwaters of the Wild Natives River where a skirmish with the Ngai Tahu took place near a lake at the headwaters of the Taheke Stream deep in what is now called Wapiti Country.
In later years artifacts where found in rock shelters in the area.
Sadly the only images of this time are from the imagination of folkore and artists.